Join Us This Lord’s Day
We are located at 800 East Elm St. on the north east side of Watseka Illinois.
9:30 AM | Sunday School
10:30 AM | Sunday Morning Worship
5:00 PM | Sunday Evening Worship
6:30 PM | Thursday Evening Prayer Meeting
When you arrive you’ll find parking on the west side of the church building and can enter through the front doors or west side door which leads into the fellowship hall.
If you come for Sunday School at 9:30 we have a light breakfast and small Bible Study before the Morning Service at 10:30.
We strive to worship God reverently through Corporate Prayer, Expository Preaching, and joyfully singing Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs.
A Nursery is available for young children, but older children are encouraged to stay with the adults in the main services as much as possible. Coloring pages, children’s books, and other materials children can enjoy quietly are always welcome.