Join us on Good Friday (Mar. 29th) as we remember Christ’s ultimate sacrifice.

His Only Son is the first feature-length film chronicling one of the most controversial moments in all of scripture—when the Lord God gave Abraham the ultimate test by commanding him to sacrifice his only son, Isaac, on the mountain of Moriah. Answering age-old questions as to why the Lord would require such a sacrifice, His Only Son profoundly explores mankind's relationship to God.


First Baptist Church of Watseka Illinois is located on the north east side of town at 800 East Elm St.

(Some GPS Apps show the address in the wrong place. The church building is on the corner of Elm St. and Clarence Ave.)


Friday March 29th at 7pm Central Standard Time.

Is There Any Cost?

This is a Free Event open to the public. Light Refreshments will be provided free of charge.

What to Expect:

Please arrive early as the film will begin in the sanctuary right at 7pm.

Parking is available on both sides of the church building but please plan to enter through the main entrance or fellowship hall (west side).